PERI Tie Technology High quality, reliable sealing of tie points
VT 20K Girder A cost-effective and reliable construction girder for daily use with protective end caps
Release Agent Concrete release agent for all formwork and equipment
VT 20 Alpha Girder The VT 20 Alpha is a cost-effective, 20 cm high full-wall girder with high-quality Nordic belted timber
PEP Alpha-2 Slab Props The tubular steel props for day-to-day use on construction sites
PEP Ergo Slab Props High load-bearing capacity with low dead weight
MULTIPROP Aluminium Slab Props The versatile and lightweight prop for slabs and shoring towers
RS Push-Pull Props A complete range of push-pull props with extension lengths up to 14m
GT 24 Girder The go-to versatile construction girder